The basic info (names, addresses, dates of birth, telephone numbers, social security numbers) of all parties involved, including children. Date of marriage and date of separation.
Income information for both parties (in Washington, if there are children, you need six months of pay stubs and two years of tax returns for your own income at least).
A list (or at least a general idea of what exists) of property, debts, and how you want to divide them. This will include retirement accounts, bank accounts, vehicles, real estate, household property, car debt, mortgages, lines of credit, credit cards, loans from family, etc.)
Be honest with the attorney. If there are facts that do not seem helpful to you, let the attorney know in the consultation so that information can be considered when giving you the advice that you seek.
An idea of what you want to accomplish. Do you want to hire an attorney? Do you want to meet and greet the attorney to see if the attorney is a good match for you and your case? Do you just have some questions that you want answered, without hiring an attorney at this time?
Attorneys tend to ramble on. If the consultation is going a different direction then you want it to go, just tell the attorney what exactly you need.
None of the above is necessary, but it will get the most out of the consultation.
Keep in mind that no attorney can promise you any given outcome. It is always up to the court, or up to you and your spouse, in the end.Have happy consultations!